Introducing the St. Thomas 2023 Stewardship campaign: "Rooted in Abundance".

Those words come from Jeremiah 18:7, “They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.” They remind us that we are inspired to give because so much has been given to us.

This year, as you pray about your commitment to St. Thomas, please tap into that nourishing Spirit of faith and generosity shown to us by an extravagant God who calls us to extend our networks and share our gifts with the world. When you are rooted in abundance, you realize that your giving can be as boundless as the Creation that gave birth to us all. Thank you for your generosity and your prayerful consideration of your pledge to St. Thomas.

The “Rooted in Abundance” campaign will be officially announced at church on September 17. On that date you will also begin to find inserts in the bulletin containing weekly reflections on that theme. Shortly after September 17 pledge cards will be mailed, along with a letter from Fr. Kyle and a return envelope.  For your convenience, we will also be emailing electronic versions of the pledge card. All pledges are due by November 12 and the official in-gathering Sunday will be November 19.

Greg Shutske