Children’s Ministry
2023 College Cookie Care Packages
2023 Working on the Easter Garden
St. Thomas has a one-room church school with children and teens active in community service. At St. Thomas our Sunday school and youth group meet at 9:45 every Sunday except 5th Sundays. We use a lectionary- based curriculum. All ages are welcomed and listen to the bible story together. If the numbers allow, we break out into two group discussions. The elementary aged students’ discussion will allow the children to enter the story in their own way and talk and reflect on it. There is usually a small craft for the students to do after the discussion. The youth group students’ (6 th -12 th grades) discussion provides students with gospel-based tools to help them navigate the challenges they face in their lives and day- to-day issues of their age. This allows for more in depth group discussions and support through the bible readings. The two groups meet up for a closing prayer and join the congregation in church at the Eucharist. When needed, we have a nursery for children up to age six. In the nursery, the children will hear a bible story and have free playtime. They will be brought into church at the Eucharist.
Our youth are very involved with outreach throughout the year as well as fun activities at and around St. Thomas. Our Church School students can participate in our Halloween Parade, Church Greening, Epiphany Pageant, and Egg hunt. We help clean our church grounds, sleep over and make hoagies as a fundraiser to feed the homeless, spend evenings playing gaga and eating pizza, shop for the food pantry, make and box up cookies for our college age St. Thomas students. Our students also participate in small service opportunities throughout the year like coloring bags for Meals on Wheels, wrapping plastic utensils for Samaritan Homeless Interim Program, making dog treats and cat toys for St. Francis Day, and bagging toiletries for various non-profit organizations. On 5th Sundays, all the children attend the entire church service. Mr. Tom Wolfe and his two teenagers have participated in a mission trip for a week each summer and always welcome more attendees! There is room to grow and opportunities for service and leadership for high school age students and their friends. Last year our confirmation class had a cooking event to provide 28 servings of cooked meals to Open Door Community Food Pantry in Frenchtown.