RevEREND Kyle Cuperwich

Father Kyle Cuperwich

We are pleased to have Rev. Kyle Cuperwich as our priest-in-charge. He joined St. Thomas on August 1, 2023 and is shared with our affiliated Calvary Church in Flemington.  Rev. Cuperwich, originally from East Brunswick, New Jersey, is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, and General Theological Seminary of New York. Before coming to St. Thomas and Calvary, he served three years at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Lumberton, NJ and Grace Episcopal Church in Pemberton, NJ.  Prior to becoming an Episcopal priest, Fr. Kyle served as a United Methodist pastor in several appointments across New Jersey.  Fr. Kyle has a passion for reaching out in service to the community and bringing people into an active faith in Jesus Christ.  Fr. Kyle hopes to strengthen the presence of both Calvary and St. Thomas Episcopal Churches by building relationships with the surrounding community, creating new and exciting ministries for people of all ages, and empowering congregants to reach out to their neighbors and invite them into a relationship with Jesus Christ, each other, and the church. 


Reverend Andrew Calandriello

Reverend Ann Holt

Reverend Tinh Huynh

Reverend Ed Murphy

Reverend Linda Moeller