Music Ministry

Richard McIntyre, Music Director

The choir of St. Thomas Episcopal Church is a dedicated group of volunteers. Adults and high school students of all faiths are welcome to participate. Most of our music is for mixed voices in four parts (SATB) and reflects the historic Anglican tradition.  No audition is required, although prior choral experience is helpful. More important is the willingness to attend the Wednesday evening rehearsals and participate in the ten o’clock worship service regularly. The choir is also an essential part of many special services, including Evensong, the Traditional English Service of Lessons and Carols at Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, The Great Vigil of Easter, and other occasions. Our members’ range of musical skill and training runs the gamut from beginner to expert. We are bound together by our common interest in music and united in our goal to enrich the worship experience for all. In so doing, we  find greater meaning for our own worship as well.

“Singing in the choir is less calories than wine and cheaper than therapy!” JOIN US!

Our Director Richard McIntyre earned his Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education with a concentration in organ music from The Boston Conservatory in 1977, launching a thirty-year public school teaching career. He completed a Master of Arts in Composition at The College of New Jersey in 1995, and a Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition at Temple University in 2010. He has studied organ with David Drinkwater and Dowell MacNeill, and composition with Robert McMahan, Maurice Wright, and Richard Brodhead. In addition to teaching, Dr. McIntyre has worked almost continuously as a church musician since the age of 16, serving parishes in Massachusetts, Vermont, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He has arranged and composed a large quantity of music for the ensembles under his direction, and his compositions have won recognition from Philadelphia’s Network for New Music, and The New York Virtuoso Singers.

Jesus the Very Thought of Thee
St. Thomas Choir